Disclaimer: while most of my topics share personal opinion, this post also includes direct inspiration and information from the 'Ologies' podcast episode : "Eudemonology (HAPPINESS) with Laurie Santos".
Let's talk about happiness! It's a big topic and can become very complex. What does it mean to be happy? Is it the same as joy, excited, optimistic? Can you feel sad and still be happy? What effects does it have on mental and physical well being? How does getting organized have anything to do with this!? Let's dive in.

For many people, when you pose the question 'what would make you happy?' three types of 'solutions' instantly come to mind: money, stuff and circumstance. If we could just hit the lottery, then we could...[enter happiness here]. If I could just buy [enter material item] then we could... If we weren't / didn't have to [change situation here] then we could...
Starting to see a pattern yet?
Often the above wishful thinking is not within a realm of reality. But there's good news: Research has repeatedly proven that money, stuff and circumstance do NOT equate to happiness. This isn't to say those in extreme situations (poverty, abusive relationships, etc.) would not benefit from money or circumstance improvements. For those of us who are physically meeting life's needs to be safe and healthy however, we tend to acquire a very skewed definition of a happy life and how to attain it.
what does it mean to be happy?
Contrary to common belief in past generations, being happy does in fact mean feeling the entire emotional range; that includes anger, frustration, fear and sadness. The key with those is to express them in a healthy way without succumbing to them long-term. A person fitting the description as 'happy' will generally feel satisfied with or proud of their life while experiencing individual moments of joy, excitement and pleasure that contribute to their well-being.
Feeling a sense of overall happiness includes the perception of free time within your days. This doesn't mean boredom or sitting around feeling lazy; it refers to moments for mindfulness, relaxation, self-care and hobbies. In addition to (not replacing) this important time for yourself is the underestimated quality of sleep acquired each night. Increasing length and quality of sleep at night can drastically improve a person's mood, focus, decision-making and health.
how can we live a life of joy?
The answer isn't revolutionary, but does require some consistent practice of habit adjustments. Moving + exercising, resting + recharging, acts of kindness, writing 3 things you're thankful for each morning, being social + making connections (yes, you too, introverts!) are all crucial steps towards happiness. AND NOT BY DOING THIS THROUGH SCREENS. These activities will benefit you best in real life with real people in the real world...can you see where fresh air might fit in here? Nature is a priceless medicine.
You probably already knew these things, so why aren't we doing them? Modern life has created a fast-paced world with upside-down priorities and marks of status. We become buried in tasks, materialistic clutter and the constant feeling of being behind. Naturally within this lifestyle choice we forget to be present and mindful in our everyday activities. It's time to step back and get intentional.
Intention comes with an entire shift of mindset
How we view the world, ourselves and others directly relates to our level of happiness. Take time for the people who matter and build on those relationships. Thinking in an objective sense rather than relative will significantly increase small bits of happiness to pure, lasting joy. For example, when good things come your way, don't compare them to the world's fortune (often exaggerated) on social media; celebrate them! Remain authentic to yourself, for yourself and not others. Find a passion or purpose you fully believe in and chase it.
The next step of intention is being present and mindful. Put away the devices and immerse yourself in a conversation or experience, down each individual sip of that oat milk honey latte you used to throw back mindlessly on the run. Follow each activity with the question 'how do I feel now?' and take a moment to notice the answer. This part is essential. Our wants + craves typically differ from what we like + enjoy and it's important to recognize the distinction when making daily choices. Next time you're deciding what do, identify the immediate crave, think about its level of true enjoyment, act on the activity and notice the feeling afterwards.
Over time with consistent mindfulness, you can alter your mind's cravings towards activities you actually enjoy doing.
If you practice these steps for a happier life, you will see temporary results immediately. The biggest effect, though, comes with a lifestyle change. Consistency is key; length of practice is not as important. You're better off being intentional 5 minutes a day every day than once a month for three hours. Give yourself compassion along the way; the path is not going to be perfect and habits take a few weeks to form, but progress will lead to success, and that's worth pursuing.
Let's link this to organization
A major contributor to feeling joyful is the quality of mental well being. Fortunately it's a topic more people and organizations are focusing on, with increased acknowledgment and support available than ever.
If you are someone feeling overwhelmed by clutter and disorganization, you are also likely having relationships affected by it, feeling a constant state of stress and anxiety, viewing relaxation as laziness, hanging on to items out of guilt and furthermore decreasing your perception of self-esteem, confidence and worth.
Getting organized and decluttering may not completely solve, but can significantly help with all of this. Clearing your space can clear your mind. Time spent cleaning can shift towards recharging. Frustration that may have been aimed at others can transform into mindful relationships. Focusing on self-care instead of wasting time finding 'that thing you need but is always missing' can improve your physical health. Stress from buying something you know you already have but are not sure where it went can turn to intentional and higher quality purchases.
All of these feelings, whether positive or negative, add up to your overall health and happiness. Sometimes we must face greater circumstances or extreme situations, but in general try to remember the broad solution:
your happiness is determined by your perception, mindset and practices.
it's all about perspective.
